The memory originally allocated for printing has been purged, printing is not possible at this time. Launch AreaCodeFinder‚Ñ¢ and try again.
An Unknown error has occurred. AreaCodeFinder‚Ñ¢ will terminate upon dismissal of this alert message
A resource could not be loaded. AreaCodeFinder‚Ñ¢ may terminate upon dismissal of this alert message (if the resource is required to continue, ACF will quit)
Memory could not be allocated in the heap while loading required list elements. Try increasing AreaCodeFinder‚Ñ¢'s partition size
General preference file error.
(couldn't open, bad read, bad write, or couldn't create)
The AreaCodeFinder data file could not be opened, it is either locked or possibly damaged
There is not enough room on the disk to add the new data
This disk is locked or read only. To use AreaCodeFinder‚Ñ¢ to its fullest capability, please copy it and all related files to an unlocked disk